Let's talk feels!
What can a clean tidy house can do for you?
It creates a sense of calm and order, eliminating frustration, angst and thoughts of hopelessness. It can be overwhelming at times right? Feeling like it's just too hard.
Apart from the mental anguish a dishevelled home can create, a clean and tidy home is better for your overall health. When You stop to think about it, what germs are bringing into your home after a day out in the big bad world?
Me personally, I think about it every day in my line of work as the owner of Really Clean Bond Home & Office Cleaning. What nasties have I picked up on my shoes, clothes and body today I ask myself... It freaks me out and I just can't wait to get into the shower!
Now for some positive feels. I love that feeling when I walk into a fresh clean tidy fresh smelling home, don't you?
In our blog we hope to impart some helpful tips and ways to combat the sometimes thankless task of cleaning your home. The key here is Routine.
Routine Cleaning
My day starts with coffee. Nothing can possibly be achieved without my cup of kickstart. To make the first task in the order of the day easier, I made myself a coffee station. I bought a small shelving unit from KMart
This houses everything we need in one spot (except of course the milk) to start our day.
Next on the agenda is to sit on the deck and enjoy my cuppa (or 3) in the quiet serenity of early morning, whilst browsing through social media, checking email and pouring over the work diary.
Once I've got the heart started, it's time to attack the main areas of the house, you know, the ones that get untidy and become dirty on a regular basis.
I unload the dishwasher and re-load it with breakfast dishes etc, wipe down the benches, wipe over the sink after my other half has splashed water all over the place! Grrrrr (pet hate number 1, water marks on the sink and bench).
I then tidy the lounge room straighten cushions and wipe over the coffee table.
Voila, Good as new! Maybe not quite because the floors need some lovin too.
I have polished timber floors throughout and gorgeous black tiles (yes, what was I thinking as they drive me nuts) in the kitchen so whip around the whole house with an Oates dry microfibre mop first and then bring out my best friend, the Rubbermaid Reveal spray mop! This baby has to be right up there with being one of the best inventions of all time!
It's quick and easy and eliminates the need for lugging a bucket around. I use hot water with a few drops of dettol added which kills the nasties and leaves the rooms smelling fresh and clean. Once a week however, I do vacuum throughout and wash the floors old school styles, you know, mop, bucket and floor cleaner added to the hot water.
Tip: I find hot water is the only way to stop streaking on both the timber and tiled floors.
Hubby makes the bed because in our house we have an unspoken rule which is, last out makes the bed. I'm an early riser and usually get up between 5.30 and 6 everyday.
Now it's onto the bathroom and toilet. I squirt some toilet cleaner around the bowl and whilst that's penetrating, I use a damp microfibre cloth with some Dettol spray (directly onto the damp cloth) to wipe over the cistern, toilet seat top, under, back (any obvious marks I wipe off with some toilet paper first and drop it into the toilet) and the outer then I give the inside a scrub with the toilet brush.
I pour enough water with added Dettol into my toilet brush holder, just enough to completely cover the brush and I change this water weekly.
Then onto the bathroom. After hubby has washed his face and brushed his teeth because it always looks like WTH went on in here? Did half a dozen ducklings have a frolicking good time in my vanity sink without me knowing? You got it, water splashed all over the mirror, sink and bench top. Grrrr!
I then get ready (brush teeth, hair, makeup & get dressed for the day.
I use a microfibre cloth which I keep in the bathroom and wipe it all up starting with the mirror. It's quick and easy and you'd never have guessed my hubby had been anywhere near it, or that six baby ducklings had been frolicking in my sink
Now It's time for work, which for me means it's time to clean someone else's house.